I Take this Opportunity to Ask
MrZeroPage a Question related with Languages:
I use Spanish Language in my Forums, How Can I Add that Spanish Language to the Arcade??

I think I need to create a File "
lang_Arcade_es", and Translate the Phrases to Spanish, and Upload it. How can I add the Spanish Option to the Arcade Language Options in the Control Panel and Link it to the Spanish Language File, so that the Arcade Uses that Language File to present the Phrases in the Arcade??
The other Option is to Edit an Existing Language I wont Use and translate the Phrases to Spanish, but I'd like to Know if I can have the Option to Add the Language File, and Link it to the Arcade Options to Select it when I want.
I think that Would be nice for your Next Update to Add the Possibility for the Users to Select and Set in "Your Settings" the Language of their preference, and also to Set in the Admin Control Panel if that Option will be Available for Users to Select their Langage, or to Use the Language Set by Admins in the Arcade Main Options!!
My Best Regards!!