In your ATC AdminCP settings, in "Configuration Data" you define what style ID the ATC should compile your templates into. For instance, mine looks like this:
./templates, vbulletin, 0, 1
./cheesegrits/staffid/templates, staffid,0,-1
The settings define the directory to use for the templates (which MUST be different for each product you create a config for), the product name, the product version (defaults to currently installed version if set to 0) and the styleID.
So I have two mods I'm actively working on (aboutme and staffid), so I'm using the master style for those. But for vB itself, I'm using the Default Style, so my vB template mods don't get written into the master style.
Oh, and you need to make sure you are running the latest version. The first couple of versions didn't have the styleID stuff.
-- hugh