Originally Posted by teedizz
Just wondering if there are any sites out there that do high quality custom templates for a reasonable price. Ive found a few thru google like blue peral but they are wayyyyy over priced. Then others Ive found say they currently aernt accepting custom work because their too busy ( go figure ) so im wondering if anyone knew of some spots that do good work that are available. Thanks.
What do you consider "wayyyy over priced."??
You don't get something for nothing...
The Pro's that I would spend my money on and not feel bad are:
www.vbulletinskinz.com (Sheldon)
www.forumskin.com (Nicholas)
All these guys have done some seriously nice work, IMO.. Both have been around for a while and have nice resumes.. vBulletinskinz seems to have some old info on the site BUT that could be due to him being busy.. Nicholas is quick to get back to you.
None of them are "cheap" but you get what you pay for.. Either way, It wouldn't hurt at all to e-mail them and get quotes for what you want done.. You may be shocked or surprised..