First of course, thanks!
Could someone help me to setup this perhaps?
Currently Im using the Welcome headers system to add a general notice for all registered members.
Would it be possible to overrule that notice when a registered member hasnt been posting/visiting X time ago?
Or perhaps if it would be possible to add a second notice bar (one SEO friendly, one not (in this case for announcements, etc.))
Also, in this case using this as a general notice manager, would it be possible to select more than one usergroup?
As an admin Im mainly in the administrators usergroup, and therefore will never see any of the registered usergroup notices.
(It could be I had to ask that last question to the dev team instead)
About the 1st question, it looks like I've figured it out.
It would be great if both 'Notice 'Never Posted' and 'Post More Often' has not already been displayed on the page' could be selected.
Thanks again!