Hey VBDev!
Awesome work with this shoutbox man. I didn't know hacks/mods could be so good for vBulletin. You've really amazed me and my members.
Got a couple of things though. I was wondering if it could ever be possible to add the feature that a bot gives an announcement every time someone has made a new post or created a thread on the forums. This would create a bridge between the chatbox and forums which would be awesome. I know vBShout had it so it could be possible. I would only like to see it when it won't add extra server load though.
Another thing is the ability to have some words censored. So when someone says "shit" it gets replaced by "s***". I can't stop people from using some swearing words even though it's in the rules. Would be nice if they would be censored automatically.
Can't think of anything else that I would like to see. Keep up the good work my man! It's amazing...