Hi there,
I've been working on my guilds new website. I'd like some thoughts on the over all skin, and if there are any small things I could do to make the over all look a bit neater than it is currently. The box graphics won't change, the header graphic is likely to be replaced with a resizing thingy.
I really need some tips on the forum css, basically. Is there anything you would do to smarten it up slightly? A shade change?
I am aware that some graphics are aliased for lighter backgrounds, those are being replaced. I'm looking for simple template/css tips that will tidy the look up.
Thank you
http://www.athanatoi.eu (updated url)
(So, content, graphics & features don't really need a comment, more readability/colours/ giving what we have a slicker slant. Over all that colour theme is remaining for now.)