Originally Posted by NashChristian
I setup a new database through the same ISP (1&1). It just doesn't have any data in it yet. I thought that the order of events was to create the database, path it, and import my data from a backup of my live site.
I already have the backup of my data from my live site, now how should I go about importing that into my new TEST database?
Yes, you should now go import a database and then run the upgrade script located in your install folder. But, what I was saying is that you tried to hit the index.php page and were mentioning errors but of course you will get errors because it is trying to get data from tables that don't exist.
Did you backup the live database through ssh? you should have done a mysqldump doing a call like: "mysqldump --opt -Q -uUSERNAME -p DATABASENAME > /PATH/TO/DUMP.SQL" where USERNAME is the mysql server username from your config.php file and DATABASENAME is the name of your live site database from the live server config.php file. It should ask for a password, also the same from the config.php file. Then to import it you would do something like: "mysql -uUSERNAME ?p TESTDATABASENAME < /PATH/TO/DUMP.SQL" again with only this time the name of the database is NOT the live site database name, but the TEST SITE database name (from the TEST SITE config.php file). It probably has the same username and password, I would guess.