Okay, I found something:
I tested it and it worked, but we have a problem.
When I'm logged out of my forum I go to the page that I inserted the script in, I then log in, and it redirects me to the forum page, logs me in and redirects me back, just how it should.
I am logged into the forum then, but it doesn't show on the page that I'm logged in, it still shows the login form. So, all we need to do is to tell the script that when the user is logged in, it must replace the login box with this:
Welcome, Deidre.
You last visited: Today at 04:56 PM
Private Messages: Unread 0, Total 0.
I'm not a programmer

Anyone care to help?
(offcourse we'll ask clan templates for permision to use their script as we didn't buy a template from them, I'm sure they won't mind as it's publicly availabe on their site.)