Originally Posted by cillianok
2. If your web site runs on Microsoft's IIS web server in cgi mode (you can find this out by looking at the main VB admincp page), a key php environment variable DOCUMENT_ROOT is not defined by default. This causes serious problems with the placement of files on your server. LDM detects this problem and issues a fatal error if necessary. If this occurs, edit includes/local_links_init.php and define the constant LDM_DOCUMENT_ROOT. The code highlights where to make the edit. Alternatively, you can patch your web server to define DOCUMENT_ROOT correctly.
I'm getting this error:
Unexpected critical failure
Critical Error: Document Root not set, Edit local_links_init.php
I'm assuming this is the error you mentioned?
How/where do I "define the constant LDM_DOCUMENT_ROOT"
or How do I patch the server?
The file local_links_init.php is contained in the includes/ subdirectory of the release zipfile and uploaded into the forums/includes/ subdirectory.
Open the file using a text editor and find these lines:
else {
// If you are running the IIS web server in CGI mode on Windows or if otherwise warned, uncomment and edit this line
// define('LDM_DOCUMENT_ROOT', '/path/to/your/site');
You need to replace the line
// define('LDM_DOCUMENT_ROOT', '/path/to/your/site');
by the correct directory path to your web site, e.g.:
define('LDM_DOCUMENT_ROOT', '/data/www-root/mysite');
You can generally figure out what is your '/data/www-root/mysite' by going to your vbulletin/admincp/maintenance/php info page, and taking a look at the listing. I can't easily tell you what line to look for, as I do not have a windows-based IIS server available.
If you have problems with this, send me a PM with site details and a username/password for an account with admin privs on your board, and I'll take a look myself.