Originally Posted by VBDev
Which previous version were you using before upgrading to the new chatbox version ?
If it was the version before I made changes for it to work for everyone on vBadvanced then that might be due to those changes.
It was Evo 0.1.2 and I had it working. Curiously, as a test I added it to "footer" and it appeared functional everywhere except the vBa portal. Could the changes you made to make it compatible with vBa as a module be interfering with it functioning as a variable?
I also tried the vBa module out when I was first having this problem. Oddly enough, it appeared but never seemed to recognize the fact that I was logged in and treated me as a guest. I could see it including chats, but the entry box and relevant buttons were missing. I did not troubleshoot it however, as it was not happy with the column format.