Since I only want certain members to see the block on the side after they log in. Which I have done already. I was also wondering one of two things. In the Site Navigation module, is it possible to have one of the links inside of that module only viewable to a certain usergroup. If not, is there a way that I can make the header of the Downloads block a link to the downloads.php page?
For Example: I titled the Downloads module "File Cabinet". Is it possible to make the words File Cabinet" at the top of the module block into a link that goes to downloads.php. This way only those people with permissions to visit the File Cabinet may see the link to get there. This way I don't have to make a new button for the navbar at the top. Which actually, I would like to do but don't know how to edit the navbar buttons for usergroup permissions. Any of the solutions, would be great.
Edit: Nevermind on the link in the module. I figured it out. I just changed the title of the module to
"<a href="">File Cabinet</a>"
and so it became a link. So now my next project is to make a button in the navbar appear only to specific usergroups. Anyone know how to do that?