Originally Posted by haawas
^^^ my hosting is php 5
You sure? What version of PHP5?
Originally Posted by mystic10
how do u do that..plz guide
Read the vbulletin guild. Adding attachments should be in there somewhere.
Originally Posted by cagbaazee
I donot see anything.. just the links. what is wrong. Do explain me. Thanks
um. Need more info.
Originally Posted by Akademiks
please tell me what you did thanks 
Quick edit hasn't been added in yet.
Originally Posted by puertoblack2003
everything is installed and appears to be functional.But one issue i'm facing is when i click on a attachments for the .flv it wont play and the mp4. The mp3 plays but it's going like fast forward it sound like the chimp munks is singing...lol any ideas
Don't know about the chipmunks. you sure its not a chipmunks song?
This mod wouldn't do anything like that. Its probably a problem with the media player. You can go get the latest one from the site. The link is in the first post.
Stage6 might have changed something. When I get some time I'll check it out. Or if you know how open up the sites folder and look for stage6.php. Make sure the regex info matches stage6.com
I'm getting caught up on my paid work and I'll start working on Goldbrick again. Think I might even do a stand alone version.
O yea. I don't know if anyone knows this, but you can put videos in your profile. I've updated the first post with Screen Shots.