Originally Posted by Gryphon
Thanks Wayne, I will look into fixing that error.
Here is the fix for the divide by zero error:
function gwr_percent_members($number, $members)
$members > 0 ? $number = ($number / $members) * 100: $number = 0;
return number_format($number, 2);
For pulling the talents, you have to run the gWoWRoster Character Info Update cron as well. It only pulls a couple characters each time you run it so if you have a lot of characters then you will have to run it quite a few times. However it will automatically run every 10 minutes as people use your board and slowly pull all the characters. I was impatient and running it on my local machine so removed the limit and set the PHP timeouts to 20 hours and ran it. Only took about 20 minutes to pull all 103 characters from the armory.
There now that I have this installed, tweaked and working on my development installation, time to go look at your event mod.