Okies, just tested this out on 3.6.8 RL2 and come up with a blank page (and I mean totally blank, even on view source) after the following the instructions above (already had gWoWChar for 3.6.x installed) and running the cron job.
No biggy, I'm using an iframe for the normal armory page atm, and my site isn't live, I can wait until 3.7, just thought someone else would like to know
Edit the first: I had entered 'field5' in the appropriate box, but that wasn't saving. I put '5' and it saved.
I re-ran the cron, and got this erro
gWoWRoster Guild Info Update
No delete, a parse failed.
I then ran the cron again, and it WORKS!
Except it didn't pull talents.
Lastly, I guess there is a setting in the php somewhere to sort by rank by default,instead of by name