I am currently using Elricstorm's mod but found your mod here when I went to go complain about there being no upgrade instructions as promised with the newer version of the product...
Some things I'd like to see, then I'd be all over using your whole WoW package as having integrated mods is hot:
(Please note that I haven't downloaded this yet because a functional calendar is important to my guild)
1) It is important to me to have compatibility with Event Forums. The associated threads being made with calendar events are very useful to us for numerous reasons, so please consider making this happen.
2) I don't see any mention of the stuff that was in the latest version of Elricstorm's which would be nice and helpful, such as formation time, zone, etc.
3) I haven't found a mod that does this, but "<< Previous Event | Next Event >>" buttons would be swell. This may be more of a general calendar thing but if it came with your mod it would be :awesome:
4) An optional place to post WWS report links after the event is done. I know this can just be posted in the body text but a field for it would be dandy, especially if you made an addon that allowed you to list WWS reports by some of the associated calendar info (date, zone).
That's the stuff off the top of my head. I'm looking forward to installing this as soon as I know we won't lose Event Forums compatibility ^_^