Originally Posted by BlizzardHQ
This is great, thank you for finally releasing this as you know I been bugging you for it
One thing I would love to see would a way to list those drafted, those on stand-by and those declined by the raid leader for the upcoming event.
- Perhaps make the user that is raid leader the Mod of the calendar.
- Option per usergroup "Can Modify Sign-Ups"
- calendar.php?do=manage&e=xxx add a plugin to list current users signed up with options to stand-by / declined per record in a table layout
- then there would need to be code option to allow Mod edit the sign-ups for the event
-- declined (delete ?) and option to send e-mail or PM with message
-- stand-by (list their name in a another <div> bellow the current players) and option to send e-mail or PM with message