Originally Posted by entertain
Hello vBDev,
I don't know if this bug was already reported, but if I collapse my chatbox, nothing happens if I
click at "  ".
Have a nice weekend.
Oh ! I didn't thought of the chatbox in collasped mode with the menu
Originally Posted by gameslover
I have a problem with date and hour, in the chatbox and in the archive it shows "d/m/Y" and "H:i". The values don't appear. I have tested with IE7, Firefox and Opera, always the same problem...
How can I fix it ?
Thanks ^^
Originally Posted by ericdesmontagne
Thank you for your update. Still bugs with date, with admin CP... But good job 
Yes I know I know, will correct that.
Originally Posted by atlambros83
Ok, I'm having a problem changing the chat color for a usergroup for some reason. any color I change it to shows up as white. any idea why?
It's in the bug list.
Originally Posted by lordtopcat
I am using Beta 5 and cannot get the chatbox to display. I have all options configured correctly, and I have no idea why it isn't displaying. I have even done the manual template configurations, still nothing.
Certainly a permissions problem.