Endles loading in default and custom Style.
custom Style is self made i can give you a download link sorry but same Prob in default Style (Downlad via vB.com

I enable chat and defauld Style so you can take a look
Maby conflict with other hack?
My Hacks are:
Cyb - Sub-Forum Manager 2.4 Cyb - Sub-Forum Manager
Goldbrick 1.5 Goldbrick Media System
Guest Tracking 3.7.002 Track Guest Visits
Latest X Threads on Forum Home 1.0 This hack will show the latest threads on your forum home page
Links vor G?ste verstecken 1.32 Dieser Hack erlaubt das Verstecken von Links vor G?ste
MGC base commune bitfield personnalisees 1.0 Modification utiles aux differents hacks MGC
passiveVid 1.1.2 Automaticlly turns video links like youtube, myspace videos, google vidoes into the video players.
Plugins als Dateien speichern 1.0.0 Beta 1 Dieses Add-on erlaubt es Plugins als Dateien zu speichern
Post Thank You Hack 7.2 Post Thank You Hack
Radio and TV 1.9 A radio and TV stations library.
RSS items as posts 0.2.3 Items of RSS feeds can be posted as posts in some thread (by zCarot).
vB3.7 Last 15 Searches 1.0.1 This will display the last 15 searches made by your members at the top of the Advanced Search page.
vBSEO :: Sitemap Generator 2.1 Generate a Google & Yahoo Sitemap for your Forums
vBulletin 3.7 RC1 cChatBox 1.2 ChatBox for vBulletin 3.7.x and 3.6.8 by ChriStrato
Youtube Integration 1.0
Zoints SEO 2.2.2 The Zoints Search Engine Optimization Package