Need assistance reading plain text password that user registers with
Hi all,
Here's an interesting problem.
Because of the requirements of this company I'm working for, whenever a user registers on our forum, it checks if the user already has a company account. If one doesn't exist, it creates a new account on a separate database. Account passwords on this database are plain text.
I have created a plugin at the hook point "register_addmember_complete".
The actual PHP code in register.php is using the variable $vbulletin->gpc['password']
When I try to call this variable from within my plug-in, it comes out blank.
e.g. $mypassword = $vbulletin->gpc['password'];
results in a blank $mypassword.
Does anyone know how I can get access to the plain text password that a user enters, from the "register_addmember_complete" hookpoint?