Originally Posted by legionofangels
Wow, that looks strangely to near exactly like the one I designed for my own board last year. Even the color gif is exactly the same type of image I used. Globe is the same, but you used a diff globe. Quote is the same, etc.
Honestly I like it of course.
In mine I went back to the original B I U because the I never looked right and even our email systems and word program all use them. So I kept those and alignment the same, just recolored White, Black, and Gold for our 3 standard board text colors.
On most boards to near all, your icons will work great. On our stylized skins the chrome or gray of the editor stood out like a sore thumb though, so we styled that to look like the rest of the board. Therefore making the gray stroke you use to help keep the images clean and non-pixelated was not an option for us. If anyone else redoes or changes the chrome on the editor though, all of those images are going to have a gray pixel stroke on them.
Nice work though, looks very nice.
I've never seen any of the icons you designed but I'm sure with the amount of stuff I have designed from time to time there will be instances when images look similiar to someone elses image. With regards to the matting problem I'm not sure whether you can change the format via the template but chances are you will and .png will fix the matte problems vs alternative background colours.