Originally Posted by pericolosogr
How can i change the color of the default fonts? They are similar to chatboxs background color and i cant read nothin...
Normally the font are the forum default one so there shall be no problem.
But perhaps this is the problem of white color defaulted that has already been reporteD ?
Originally Posted by Sothside40
how should the file extension look for the inside of the Admin CP??
cuz i dont really understand it
In the team and pm commands folders, there is a folder called image where you'll be able to found in the image you're looking for.
Originally Posted by habanero68
Hello: please need help. My problem is. Uninstall chat. And my forum is not working. As I get a forum. I want to admpc. I can only go by my hosting site. I can do. Thanks
Which in understandable english means ?
Originally Posted by mljask
loonytune15: just follow the readme file and it works
vbdev: nope i need the chatbox to be shown on every game and main arcade.php but on settings / league / reports / leaderboard must be blocked ... i need to be blocked on pages below
PHP Code:
/arcade.php?&do=viewtournaments /arcade.php?&act=Arcade&module=settings /arcade.php?&act=Arcade&module=favorites /arcade.php?&act=Arcade&module=report /arcade.php?&act=Arcade&module=league
Hum then it's a bit more complicated, this need a bit of coding.
I don't have the time to code that for ya right now, if you know a bit of php I could give you clues ?