Well for starters, you have not taken advantage of the Google Adsense colour pallet to change the colour of your ads to blend in much better, quite frankly they stand out as being ads a mile.
Also, your not taking advantage of the amount of ads by Google your allowed to display on any one web page (forum page). You can display 3 text ads, 3 link units, 2 search boxes, 3 referrals. But what matters to you the most is the "3 text ads and 3 link units" you can display on any one page.
All I've seen on the forum is a one text ad displayed below your shout box, and you've used the Google default colours (which makes it look really obvious). Oh, and you have one I just spotted displayed after the first post in a thread which is even worse. Because your using a white background for the ad. You also have a Picture Banner displayed near your footer. Picture banners from Google are pretty useless. Just about every web user avoids picture banners like the plague, unless there not served by Google and instead are the ones that entice you to click to win something, or "beat the monkey" type banners. Google picture banners are a waste of space though, because there is nothing interesting enough about them to make anybody want to click them!
The bottom line is this, it's not all bad news. At least you don't have great ad placement and are making nothing, you have very poor ads placement and colours. So it's no surprise your doing bad. There is a lot you could do to vastly improve your income from ad click-throughs from what I've seen.