Originally Posted by indie2industry
It shows up via Private message. It not publicaly viewable. The bug I'm seeing is when someone click's "buy now", it only shows the highest bid. So if you're selling something for $300, someone else bids $450, but the "buy it now" is $800; if "buy it now" is clicked, $450 will show instead of the $800 "buy it now".
Not a good thing
2. the private message shouldnt give our addresses unless specified.
3. The Admin CP should have an option to clear old auctions
4. Paypal support
Thats about it for me. I clicked install but if these update were made, I'd be more than obligated to give a donation also
as I said before, it might be an issue just related to my system, but wanted developer input or input from someone else that has had the same issue or had the issue and resolved it. It is NOT pming anyone seller or buyer of a completed auction, or of winning bid.