Originally Posted by REVHEAD
I think all Hacks Mods should be put though the XHTML 1.0 Transitional validation before being allowed to be disstributed on here.
Hmm, then you can't use vBulletin

The AdminCP contains a lot of (easy to fix) XHTML errors which won't be fixed (not important enough).
I just made it valid for having clean code, but it's still pretty ugly XHTML code as vBulletin is using tables. I really hope vB 4 will be semantic.
Making it necessary for posting mods would go too far IMO, but it would be nice to have it as an extra checkbox for mods. That would encourage mod authors a bit.
Originally Posted by maidos
thanks for replying 
welll i did pick unpinned and approved but istill cant see any files at all
I just checked out your site and I think I understand now what you are meaning, but this is normal behaviour. When you select a category to display in Manage Files, it only shows files that are really in that category and NOT those from its sub-cats. So you need to start from the deepest sub-categories, removing those files (and then the category itself), climbing up to the main category you wanted to remove.