Originally Posted by cookiepants
ah. Bummer. I was hoping it was ongoing. I was looking forward to the pro. Thanks!
I have hopes of using this hack as a basis of a new hack that uses a data dictionary to give you complete control over how new thread fields are used.
Key features would include:
- Customized prompts
- Validation
- Search support
- Sort support
- Usergroup integration
- Extensible (design in hooks for customizations)
I am looking for partners that can contribute either programming or funding to the effort. I think it would be well worth a pro (paid) version with good support and it would do well. It could easily generate a fair bit of paid add-on services to help users install and customize it for their own needs.
I was the lead designer/developer of a similar data driven reporting system for FoxPro (
http://info.foxfirereporting.com/) . I would be happy to lead/coordinate this new effort and release all product rights to other team members. I just want to be able to use the product!
Please PM me if you are interested.