Originally Posted by ArticleRus
Great Mod! But the problem now (just for newbie like me) how to install?
As you can see this is actually my first post here!
That is not helping much for me.
1) Upload files via ftp to where? which folder?
2) There is one 'upload' folder and a'.xml' file, where should I place it.
3) How to activate it?
Sorry, i haven't install a mod before. Please help, thanks.
You upload the content of the "Upload" folder to your forum root (NOTE: Not the "Upload" folder itself, just the content). That means you upload it to wherever your keep your forums. For a lot of us, that's just the main directory. For others, they keep their forums in a folder called "forum".
XML files are imported via your Product Manager. Go to your Admin CP >>> Plugins & Products >>> Manage Products >>> Add/Import Product. Then refresh your Admin CP to see if you have a new menu option.
Originally Posted by paintplaye
Ok i uploaded it. Do we have to re name the upload file? Also i just get the upload file main directory but no actual site. Then when i try to open it, it says something like this:
Warning: main(./global.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/andrewki/public_html/forums/vbay/admincp/vbayadmin.php on line 15
Fatal error: main() [function.require]: Failed opening required './global.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/andrewki/public_html/forums/vbay/admincp/vbayadmin.php on line 15
Did you remember to import the XML file?