Originally Posted by snoopy5
I am very interested in this hack. I only need a slight modification. I would be willing to pay for this.
I need this mailinglist functionality depending on the usergroup. I do not want that every user can use this feature, only premium members and Moderators shall be allowed to use this feature.
Would that be possible?
Thanks in advance
Since this is IMHO a very important point, it would help if you state this clearly in the overview text of this Mod at the top of the page. Whether this can be setted in ACP by usergroup or not.
There are 47 pages now with comments about this hack. It does nnot malke sense to read all through that, without knowing whether there will be an answer to it.
There is another mod, that can handle this by usergrpup, although it does not have the reply by e-mail ability. But at least there you get the information, that you can decide to offer this feature by usergroup:
so can anybody make a statement about this for this hack here please?