Originally Posted by legionofangels
I've been searching through vb.org for about a 1/2 hour now wondering how we are going to set up an advanced style on our forum for a specific usergroup.
I've read you're and Kirby's threads on your similar but different style hacks.
What I've gathered is that yours forces a style on a user, until they gain a higher rank or whatever, at that point all the styles become available.
While Kirby's seems like restrict a style to certain usergroups only.
Tell me if I have this correct?
Incorrect, Kirby's hack actually allows for style permissions, in which you can choose which usergroups can select or not select a style (by default, a style is selectable or not selectable by all usergroups).
Mine forces a specific style on a user, users or usergroups (regardless of if the style is selectable or not). It has nothing to do with higher ranks etc,.
So, you would use kirby's hack to give permission for only that usergroup to use that style, and if you want to make sure they can select no other style than the advanced style you will also use mine to lock it down.