Originally Posted by Makc666
Bumping the thread is no the good idead and doesn't mean that we will run here and help you...
Try to clean your browser's cache and be shure that your vBulletins templates are up to date.
What are you talking about? This is the Groan thread, I didn't bump it anywhere. I simply asked for help again, and had the courtesy to put my previous post to insure whomever finally did reply knew what I was talking about.
As far as your recomendations, thank you, but been there and done that. Tried on several different computers with clean browser histories. This is a fresh vBulletin install from around January 2, 2008. Templates are up to date...and the Thank You hack works fine. It is the Groan hack with which I am having problems...it is currently disabled due to the problems stated in my original post.