I'm sorry for not replying sooner, I was not aware there were replies.
Originally Posted by blind-eddie
This would be Perfect if you were able to use default avatars & still upload one if you wanted too. Then I would install
Unfortunately, with this template modification, you cannot use the inbuilt system for avatars. I have however set up a system to replace that functionality so that you can have default avatars.
Originally Posted by GruntHalo
Any screenshots? 
I don't really see the need... It is a couple of extra fields in the user's profile and the avatars where they normally are. But I will get you some in a couple of weeks when I get back.
Originally Posted by 001
To complicated.
Can you post the short version with only one field and the changed condition?
Also it does not work on memberlist.php showing the avatars.
I won't be able to do the short version for a while, the reason for writing this was mainly for a single forum with specific needs. I've made the modification available for two reasons, I'd like everyone to be able to use it, and as a 'proof of concept' that off-site avatars are possible and that several limitations and problems are easy to get past. As such, this will have to stay on the back burner, but it is my hope that vBulletin will include support for off-site avatars (should I hold my breath?).
Hrm, as our forum does not display the avatars on the memberlist, I didn't consider this. It would be a matter of including the same bit of find and replace (slightly modified no doubt).