Originally Posted by ttnb
Thanks for your help!
what I want is to put is based on this hack
I want to dis play new or random links from links directory. The ways is like this
-Link name --Category name
-Link name2- category name 2
-link name 3- category name 3
And if the name of link is too long it is automatically cut of(for not break my page).
Sorry but I would like to post here instead of PM you because I want other members who are interested in share idea.
OK.. this was pretty simple actually and I made you two different styles (basic and expanded) .. The Basic one is just as you described above. The Expanded one includes the Link Name, Author, Date, Time, Category, # of Replies and # of Views.
Each file comes with various configuration settings to meet your needs/requirements.. ie
$linkurl Variable (The full URL Path to your vba links directory)
$order Variable can be set as follows (1 = newest, 2 = most viewed, 3 = most comments, 4 = highest rated, 5 = random) to give you 5 different ways of displaying your data for your members.
$limit Variable can be set to the number of links you would like to display
$maxnamechars Variable used to set the max characters of the links name before the rest will be replaced with '...' NOTE: Set this to 0 to disable it.
Both files contain the same basic code, just different echo output to control the Layout for the Data.
To further customize the layout, look for the echo statements and edit the HTML output.. simple as that