Sorry folks. I haven't been online for a little while due to my computer blowing up. Then having issues with my router and then just having too much on my plate. I'll have a look back through this thread ASAP, as i understand there's a few issues that need resolving.
Some people asked about 3.0, i'm planning on completing it. I'm actually not that far from getting it to beta. I thought that ages ago but i basically want it to be feature set when it goes to beta instead of knowing i have a lot more work to do.
Right now i'm working on the ability to merge groups and the search functions. I honestly can't remember if i posted any screens from 3.0 or not. If i didn't, let me know and i'll post some today. Anyway, i'll look at all of these outstanding issues in an hour.
PS. I've completely rewritten basically everything, so now you guys will also have the option on how your navbar looks whether SITE NAME > FORUMS > GROUPS or SITE NAME > GROUPS or FORUM > GROUPS or just GROUPS. (thought i'd mention that since i saw an issue with navbar above).
PPS. the GRPS 3.0 installer completely updates all style settings, smilies and post icons itself now.