Originally Posted by cheat-master30
Some comments which may not be best accepted, but I hope they help:
1. You have a good, low number of forums. I like that, as you don't seem to have like 10 million of them. But fill up those with zero posts. And Off Topic should be incredibly easy to fill with conversations.
2. Move that damn new threads thing. It's above any important, serves little real use and just annoys me.
3. Looks a bit plain in terms of add ons (skin seems generally well suited though). Might need some nice additions to compete with the other PHP forums out there, since many members expect a bit more than a plain forum nowadays. Try some of these:
4. Not sure what a PHP forum needs, but the vB code looks a bit plain. Maybe some reference code for an online PHP resource or something?
Of course, I'm assuming this will be well used:
5. Please replace the default smilies, or add to them. Looks too plain in that respect, so trying finding some which match the style of your forum, and some general computer related ones.
6. Considering you have only 17 posts and you have 13, you are posting a bit, which is good. But consider posting a bit more. Start some interesting conversations. Write guides and articles about PHP coding and such like.
Hope that helped.
#1 - thanks =) and working on it, got hit by the flu this week, slowed me down a little
#2 - just removed it, been tossing over how much value (if any it added), might play around with it again when the forums get a little more busy, but will leave it out until then.
#3 - i am waiting on a few mods to be imported / updated to VB 3.7 - like the "solved" thread hack.
#4 - sorry i am not sure what you mean ?
#5 - something i didn't even consider, will look into it, thanks for the tip =)
#6 - working on it - see #1 =)
One thing I would recommend is the Welcome Headers Mod
I have them installed, but it appears the skin I am using isn't compatible with the new notice system in VB 3.7, i am not sure on how to fix that currently.
cheat-master30 and
Evolution06, I would also like to thank the both of you for looking at the forums and taking the time to give me valid points to consider (and fix it).