Originally Posted by petteyg359
Layout question. I've got tabs working, I've added my forum CSS to the top of ajaxtabs.css and my testtabs.php page has the same theme as my forum now. First, where would I change the CSS (I'm using "indentmenu") to move the tab menu to the top?
The Tab menu for the Indentmenu CSS SHOULD be on the top (unless you didn't use the template formatting for the Indentmenu as shown in Post 2 of this thread). The template layout is different for each of the 3 provided CSS... Sounds like you just changed the name of the CSS in the DIV on the template that is arranged for the Modern Bricks CSS.. just take a quick look at post 2 and make sure that the template is formatted correctly for use with the Indentmenu CSS..
Originally Posted by petteyg359
Then, I have another custom PHP file, with a custom template. The PHP file loads a bunch of nested tables, theads, tcats, collapsing trs and tds, into strings, and then the template displays certain strings depending on the usergroup of the person looking at the page. I would like to replace some of the nested collapsing stuff with tabs like these. Should I just move the ajaxtabs template into the custom PHP file where I need tab boxes? Can I place dynamic content (loaded from MySQL) into the tab boxes, rather than loading a file?
Ya know.... what I think would work better for that would be the NON AJAX tabs. That is what I use for my Tabbed Forum Home .. the code is easy to imbed in php or via the vb template system.. You wouldn't need the AJAX version if you did it the way you are talking, because with the tabs imbeded into the php file itself, when you click on a tab, its going to execute the code within its area of the file (hope that made sense) lol if not, I will try and explain it better.