Can someone look at my forum:
I seem to be having the same problem as many of the people here. Can someone tell me what to do make my forum faster. This problem has been very frustrating for me. Thanks in advance.
Forum page:
Page generated in 5.71096 seconds with 38 queries (3 queries for uncached templates) [Server Loads: 2.38 2.00 : 2.03]
Uncached templates: banner (1)
Uncached templates: banner_b (1)
Uncached templates: hbanner (1)
HOme page:
Page generated in 7.13451 seconds with 37 queries (6 queries for uncached templates) [Server Loads: 1.56 1.88 : 1.99]
Uncached templates: adv_portal_rotator (1)
Uncached templates: adv_portal_topposters (1)
Uncached templates: banner (1)
Uncached templates: banner_b (1)
Uncached templates: hbanner (1)
Uncached templates: top_posters (10)