Originally Posted by Saint_ago
No, i had almost the same problem that Rickeo had, but i've figured out how to solve - and the problem isn't related with chatbox, that's because i've edited my message.. 
Oh I see.
Originally Posted by lolo?
Yes on 0.1.2 and i have test on opera 9.25 exactly the same probleme like on IE7 FF 2.0.1
dont work for me with this browser 
That's strange, anyone experiencing the same issue ?
Originally Posted by nerofix
J'ai un erreur en version 0.1.2 :
This browser is AJAX compatiblevbulletin_global.... (line 749)
syntax error
[Break on this error] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.or...
mgc_cb_evo_cmd_de... (line 1)
POST http://www.xxx.com/mgc_cb_evo_ajax.php (390ms)connection-min.js (line 7)
vBmenu :: System Activated
Firing System Initvbulletin_global.... (line 1912)
syntax error
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.or...
mgc_cb_evo_cmd_pm... (line 1)
vB_AJAX_Handler.prototype.fetch_data() is deprecated. Use responseXML.getElementsByTagName("x")[i].firstChild.nodeValue instead.vbulletin_global.... (line 706
Please even if I am french use english to ask your questsions
With which software did you get those info ?
Did you encountered that error with previous vBulletin version ?
Originally Posted by Stoebi
I can't use /pm stoebi hi, because i get always the error issue:
Error : The user doesn't exist.
The command /pm works only, if you use the menu command Send a private chat to Stoebi once. Each user which want to use this command need to use the menu command Send a private chat to <user> before.
Steps to reproduce: - Import mgc_cb_evo_cmd_pm.xml
- Save
- Rebuild bitfields (not really necessary)
- Change to you forum with your Chat installed and refresh your forum.
- Try the command /pm <user> <input> directy without using the menu command Send a private chat to <user> first
Regards, Stoebi
/pm stoebi hi is not a good syntax.
Check the help in the chatbox you'll see that you're using it wrong