Originally Posted by sickboy6ths
Thanks for the bug fixes!
The last 2 reported problems, can we fix them ourselves by simply editing something or are you about to release v0.1.3 (cuz then I wait with upgrading)? 
Not until saturday for the v0.1.3 release.
Originally Posted by hrk
hi i could not get this to display in my dev forum ,
ive follow all single steps but none works. i beleive its my template need the custome place to place it.
pls guide , thank you 
Have you set permissions ?
Originally Posted by maidos
just wondering since the lagg hasbeen fixed it takes around 3-4 seconds for msg to posted on the shoutbox is this normal
Each time it takes 3 or 4 seconds ? I don't think it's related though.
What is telling you that it takes that much time ?
Originally Posted by Gusso
Hi, i can?t reimport the spanish language file of vBulletin. i haven?t more options 
Oh jezz y're right.
I could try to fix that for you, can you send me admin accesses to your forum by pm so that I can help you get your forum back to normal
Originally Posted by Desmo
Is it possible to allow users to select a different style for the chatbox? It's just that some of my users browse at work and they'd like to have the chatbox in a much subtler style to the rest of the forum so that they can keep it open.
I don't get you on that one, what do you mean by different style ?