Originally Posted by adnedarn
So, I should be able to set up a new channel.... (add new channel- title: PM--Description: PM--name of the channel image: mgc_cb_evo_pm--warn users upon new message in channel: yes--activate the channel: yes [save])
Then when we use the drop down send PM and carry a PM conversation... someone else with PM permissions can click the PM channel and see our conversation. Am I setting it up wrong?
No no as I told only the user that send the pm or was the receiver of the pm can see it !!
Are you saying that actually someone with permissions to see pm can see others pm when in a channel ?
Originally Posted by entertain
I said that it doesn't worked in Firefox.
But now it is working with Version 0.1.2. Thanks Clement. 
Originally Posted by lolo?
ok my problem it's fix with your new version but
the collor pallete in Usergroup Manager still not showing up in FF 2.0.1 and on user option
That's very strange coz I have tested it both in Firefox, Opera, Safari and IE
You are encountering that problem with the 0.1.2 ?
Originally Posted by entertain
Hum perhaps a Z-Index problem.
Can you edit the mgc_cb_evo_chatbit_menu template and changed z-index : 1 to z-index : 50 to see if that fixes it.