Originally Posted by legionofangels
That is very difficult if the images aren't separate or if you don't have the PSD of the images, where the text and bg are on different layers.
If you had the psd it would be simple.
You most likely don't, but if you do or if you can ask for it, that would make this very doable and quite simple.
Without it the best thing to do would be to remake it, but the previous poster is right, while colors and the text can be remade to an extent, the mushroom is difficult.
I myself, would not do this for free, difficult and frustrating assignment for a designer IMO.
So any ideas how I could ask for that, seeing as this guy was last online about halfway through last year? I guess I could try a friendly email asking for this PSD file.
Oh, and by the way, I wasn't actually expecting the same mushroom, just the colours and text. Each of the images had a different sprite. For example@
