Originally Posted by GreenT
JS error "hide_chat_menu is not defined" is triggered when clicking on the arrows (left side of each chat line) to open the popup window since upgrade to 0.1.0.... any ideas?
Anyway, great product 
Originally Posted by Saint_ago
Image paths are all messed up.
Some images are pointing to forum/images/misc/mgc_chatbox/mgc_cb_refresh.gif and others to /forum/images/misc/mgc_cb_evo. The last zip contains only mgc_cb_evo folder in images/misc directory.
Both corrected in the just new 0.1.1
Originally Posted by Gusso
Hi, i have this problem also. Which is the solution ? 
The problem appeared in the last install, you have to reimport the spanish language file of vBulletin and use the spanish xml file of the new release.