02-05-2008, 04:41 PM
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: France
Posts: 2,570
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- Version 0.1.1 : 5 February 2008
- Minor corrections of the 0.1.1
- Version 0.1.2 : 6 February 2008
- Corrected bugs :
- Can see only when number of posts reached permission not working properly
- Image path error for not logged in users
- down9x9.gif not in all styles => replaced by menu_open.gif
- Color palette in acp not working in opera
- Version 0.2.0 : 16 February 2008
- Corrected bugs :
- PM could be seen by everyone that has pm command permissions when command attached to a channel
- Problem of username column width in chats (Opera)
- Problem of date column width in archives (Opera)
- Chat color defaulted to white instead of using forum default
- Inactive mode shows up while not being active on the forum
- Problem of date locals
- Menu shall not be displayed when chatbox is collasped
- New Features :
- Option to display the whosonline in a tab rather than under the chatbox
- Usergroup permission to display or not the prompt message in the input field
- Prompt message as an option instead of a phrase
- Easier channels creation, with only few clicks it's no possible to create the channel along with its attached command
- Version 0.2.1 : 19 February 2008
- Color selector problem in usercp and chatbox, only 2 colors are shown
- Time locale problem
- Version 0.3.0 : 26 February 2008
- Corrected bugs :
- First shout problem due to prompt message
- Popup menu not closing in Safari and Opera - Popup menu can now be closed by clicking again on the menu button
- Chat edit problem in archives : See removed features
- New Features :
- Sticky/Unsticky shouts (through a menu item)
- New option to allow smilies retrieval in admincp smilies manager set order
- Removed Features :
- Chatbox display in the archives
- Version 0.4.0 : 26 April 2008
- Corrected bugs :
- Compatibility with CRSF protection changes introduced in newer vBulletin version
- Sticky chat option displayed to users that doesn't have the right to use it
- Problem with opened menu disappearing when chatbox refreshes
- Menu commands not working in archives
- ACP smilies order working but not taking into account smilie categories orders
- New features :
- Hide general channel when only 1 channel in the chatbox
- Version 0.5.0 : 29 June 2008
- Corrected bugs :
- Channels won't display
- Missing space before the To in the PM chat displaying in Safari
- Channels usergroup permissions don't get displayed but still are taken into account
- Other users could see private messages in archives
- FR and EN ban commands files differences
- Chats sent by non registered users shown in stats while they shoudln't
- Sticky option disapeared
- Command options not displayed
- Shouts get removed when cron is set to 0 while they shouldn't
- Censored words are not hidden when used in a text command (like /me command)
- New features :
- Completion system to easier entering of commands (based on jQuery)
- Chatbox popups redesigned (based on jQuery)
- BBCODE email added
- Version 1.0.0 : 16 August 2008
- Corrected bugs
- Channel icons not blinking
- Chatbox autocomplete function firing error on pages without the chatbox in it
- New features
- Commands are now included in the chatbox thus simplifying chatbox install
- Intelligent chats reload system to improve performances and speed based on jQuery plugin (no more full reload)
- Commands now usable in all channels
- IP of the chat's author displayed in the menu on the left to users who can manage the chatbox
- Version 1.1.0 : 20 October 2008
- Corrected bugs
- Veuillez entre l'email not translated
- When chats display option is "Oldest first", the chatbox doesn't scroll to new chats on load
- Too much space between chats in collapsed mode
- Sticky chats not working immediatly (only after reload of the page)
- Chats doesn't get removed from the chatbox when the inactivity mode message is displayed
- The command permissions query shall not be ran at chatbox initial display when the chatbox autocompletion is inactive
- vBulletin confirm popup (logout or PM) have been reported by somes users as not displayed in IE when the chatbox is active (IE javascript triangle appears)
- Missing indicator.gif reported in FF console error
- Small template issues
- Banning user only start applying if the banned user refreshes his browser
- When using the delete command, older chats gets added on top instead of bottom or so on
- New features
- Changed url popup to also specify a text in addition to the link (optional)
- Option to show the chatbox collapsed by default
- Possibility to force unregistered users enter their name before they shout
- Actions logging like ban and remove (activation through option)
- Usergroup permission for the IP display feature
- Option to set the chatbox width
- Option to set the styles in which not to display the chatbox
- Usergroup styling taking into account in the users online list
- Display of a small avatar at the left of the username (option)
- Option to expand the bbcode/smilies lines by default
- New command : slap
- New syntaxes for the ban command to allow banning for a defined number of hours or days
- Version 2.0.2 : 25 December 2008
- Corrected bugs:
- Online users in a tab feature not working
- SQL error when the who is online in the chatbox feature is active
- Avatar feature is causing SQL error with vB 3.6 versions
- When new chats are set to be at the bottom, the chatbox doesn't scroll automatically to the bottom when changing of channel
- Slap command through the menu item when in a secondary channel leads to slaps being wronglu posted in the general channel
- When inactive mode on load option is set, a javascript error is fired in Firefox
- Online users in a tab exploses the chatbox template a bit
- Alternating colors for chats row doesn't work anymore
- Smilies retrieval order when set to be like in the admincp is not accurate
- jQuery loads on all forums pages while it shouldn't
- Add template name in HTML comments option causes the chat to be hidden in IE and shown horizontally in Firefox
- When sending a private chat to an other user through the dialog box fired upon press on the menu item, chat doesn't get sent if they contain double quotes
- New features:
- Importers from the following chatbox system: cChatbox v1.5, Cyb Chatbox v2.3, DionDev Shoutbox v1.0, Dream's Chatbox v2.1.1, GSBOS v1.0.5, Inferno vBShout Lite v2.5.0, MGC Chatbox v1.5
- Refresh rate is now based on a per usergroup basis instead of an option
- All javascript codes have been moved from jQuery to YUI (cleaner popups, autocomplete, and so on)
- Ajax calls have been changed to the new vBulletin standard using YUI connection manager
- Javascript files are now compressed to fasten the page load
- New option to display new thread or post notifications in the chatbox (uses forum permissions)
- Possibility to split the chats in 2 columns (one for the chats & one for the notifications)
- Shouts searching system in the archives
- Option to display the number of chats in the user profile or/and in the postbit
- Option to set the userids of users that can't be ignored by others
- Possibility to use BBCODES and/or smilies is now usergroup permissions based
- Option to set the chats vertical alignment
- Possibility to display the active channel name at the top of the chatbox
- Automatic refresh can be disabled through usergroup permissions
- New filter in the archives to limit the number of chats displayed (last day, last 2 days, last week, and so on...)
- New usergroup permission to limit users number of chats per 24H (dynamic) as well as a permission to stop automatic refresh when this limit is reached
- When the maximum number of chats per day is reached, a warning is displayed to the user in the chatbox
- Chats are now removed from the chats database when you remove a user from the forum
- New usergroup permission to set the default channel for each usergroup
- Version 2.1.0 : 6 February 2009
- Corrected bugs:
- Remove the shouts button in the archives doesn't work in IE6
- Pagenav in the search doesn't work, when clicking on a second page, it leads to a "User doesn't exist error message" instead of the searched chats
- Selecting "The beginning" in the archives send back to yesterday
- Blinking channel upon new message seems not to work
- Sometimes chats don't get sent but are when refreshing the page
- Special HTML characters are displayed as HTML code and not interpreted
- Database error in archives page when avatar display option is on
- When a user belongs to a primary usergroup that has access to a command but the secondary usergroup he also belongs to doesn't, menu items of the commands are not shown in the chatbox
- Strange behaviour of the chatbox when the whosonline is set to be in a tab and the separate chats and notifications options is on
- New features:
- Yesterday/Today date feature in the chatbox
- Avoid user to ban/ignore himself
- Hide top chatters box from archives when number is set to 0
- Option to load files locally instead from the yui server
- Option to filter some forum for notifications warnings
- Tick box in the archives to select all chats on a page for removal
- Configurable notification column width
- Possibility to separate notifications/real chats sql query
- Configuration notifications number when sql queries are separated
- Availability of sound notification upon new messages
- Hooks for further notifications plugin creation
- Version 2.2.0 : 6 February 2009
- Corrected bugs:
- SQL error when chats and notifications are in a separate SQL query and chatbox is minimized
- Chatbox doesn't scroll down automatically in IE7 when newest chats are set to be at the bottom
- Ajax error fired sporadically
- When clicking on view all chats of ... the displayed chats are those of the user clicking on the link instead of the other user
- If a thread/post is removed from the database and notification system is active, the notification chat is not removed from the database
- If a thread/post is supposed to be awaiting moderation, it's shown in the notifications while it shouldn't yet be
- Prefix missing in mgc chatbox 1.5
- Chats limit per 24 hour is not working properly
- Forum left to right align not taken into account in the chatbox
- Menu item in PM chats is redirecting to receiver of the message instead of author
- When BBCODE are off, setting the chatbox to be hidden in the usercp stop the user from being able to set it on again
- When chats are displayed as "newest at the bottom", the chatbox doesn't scroll correctly after a chat delete
- New features:
- vBShouts 2.0 importer
- New thread/post notification links redirect to last post
- Quote BBCODE support
- Sound notification upon new message in other channels as option
- Version 2.2.1 : 6 February 2009
- Corrected bugs:
- SQL error in when creating a new post with notifications active in the chatbox
- ARG4 undefined error message instead of the threadtitle in newpost notification
- Version 2.3.1 : 10 March 2009
- Corrected bugs:
- SQL error when trying to update counters in the admincp of the chatbox
- Sticky chats is not working
- Impossible to double click to edit a chat only containing an url Added edit chat item in menu
- SQL error in view all chats
- In Safari browser, an older chat is displayed at the top when chats and notifications are not in a separate query
- When changing channels order, if channel title right near chatbox name option is on, the displayed title is wrong
- SQL error when import from some chatbox when a username has a ' in it.
- Private chats are shown when Viewing all chats of a user while they shouldn't
- IBProarcade (latest version) integration doesn't work
- Autocompletion relative yui stuff is loaded while autocompletion is not active
- If align usernames and chats option is set and newest chat are at the bottom without notification column, chats aren't aligned
- New features:
- Added back /team command
- Chat retrievals query optimization
- Upgrade to YUI 2.7.0
- Change sound format to .swf
- WYSWYG input field
- Option to save user selected chat format without having to pass through usercp
- Version 2.3.2 : 7 April 2009
- Corrected bugs:
- Chats doesn't appear when chatbox is collapsed. See here for a fix
- PM sent to other user don't show other username color correctly : See here for a fix
- SQL error when moving a post to a new thread with inline mod
- Members that do not have permission to see the archives, can see the link to the archives.
- Apparently thread notifications is providing errors to some users
- When a user with username βᴬᴰᴵᴻf?*ʋʒᴎƶɛ post a message, chatbox stuck to blank
- Anonymous can't chat
- Selecting a color and then going back to default doesn't set font back to default