My vBulletin forum not, help, help, help please
Over the weekend I purchased the vBulletin software and I installed it on hosting server, the problem I'm having is that every few minutes my vBulletin forum would freeze-up and the vBulletin control panel will also freeze at the same time, what would happen is that the browser will not stop load and when it do load, I would received the following error message.
Unable to connect
Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at
* The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few moments.
* If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network
* If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.
Below is my vbulletin hosting info, please let me know if this is enough for a vBulletin forum that just started.
General account information:
Hosting package default
Shared Ip Address
Subdomains 0 / 999
Parked Domains 0 / 999
Addon Domains 0 / 10
MySQL Databases 1 / 999
Postgresql Databases 0 / 999
Disk Space Usage 36.70 Megabytes
MySQL Disk Space 5.94 Megabytes
Disk space available 1535963.30 Megabytes
Bandwidth (this month) 30.90 Megabytes
Email Accounts 1 / 999
Email Forwarders 1
Auto-responders 0
Mailing Lists 0 / 1
Email Filters 0
Ftp Accounts 0 / 999