Originally Posted by Razasharp
and as many thread fields as you want?
Manchester United is a Football team, Panigyriakos is also a Greek Football team in xxx category. So do you want me to believe that because both are "Football teams" they've equivalent power?
So, here are my questions:
- What type of questions they're supporting? vbFEngine supports:
- Text
- Textarea
- Radio buttons
- Checkboxes
- Single choice drop list
- Multiselect drop list
- Number
- Date
- Link
- YouTUBE/Yahoo etc video
- Can they search numeric and date fields in range (from-to)?
- Can they organize them in fieldsets for better interface
- Can the fields be reusable on the same form, or if you need the xx fields to appear twice in the same form, you must setup it twice?
- Can the fields have ordering 1,2,3,...10 in A category, while in B category to have ordering 2,1,9.....5 and so on?