Thanks for the style _installed_
I'm using it on
my site and is a great skin but I've realized that there's 1 problem with it and the problem is on the version installed on your site also so I thought I'd post it!
When I enter a forum the forum tools & search forum drop down menu's on the top right of the template don't function properly, when you click on "forum tools" for example the whole top left section of that template's text & links disapears & you have to scroll far to the right to find the drop down menu, this is a major error in the design infact, here it is in more depth:
when I enter 1 forum it looks like this
looks fine, but when I click on "forum tools" for example.......
this happens
The options and the text all dissapear
as you see at the bottom, I have to scroll all the way to the right to see:
same thing happens with the other options (search for exp.)
As I said the same thing happens on your site "" so I thought I'd let you guys know
other than that I love the style and will definetly carry on using if this problem is solved