Originally Posted by haaba
This question was asked before but did not see answer...
Is is possible to pull and sort threads by the latest post, not the thread creation date?
One of my most popular threads is not showing up on the feed because it was started few month back. How can I get it to show up?
Thanks. Version 3.6.8 Patch2
You just have to change the url of the RSS feed in your RSS feed program to add:
That will sort by last post.
If you want to set this as a default for your forum, you need to edit the Headinclude template for your style(s.) Find:
<link rel=”alternate” type=”application/rss+xml” title=”$vboptions[bbtitle] RSS Feed” href=”external.php?type=RSS2″ />
Change to:
<link rel=”alternate” type=”application/rss+xml” title=”$vboptions[bbtitle] RSS Feed” href=”external.php?type=RSS2&lastpost=1″ />
That adds the &astpost=1 directly to the feed coming from the forum.
/Edited to add:There are actually 2 spots in the Headinclude you should add that, the second will be right down below the other one, and controls the feed for each individual forum. To change that one, scroll down in Headinclude to:
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="$vboptions[bbtitle] - $foruminfo[title_clean] - RSS Feed" href="external.php?type=RSS2&forumids=$foruminfo[forumid]" ]
Change to:
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="$vboptions[bbtitle] - $foruminfo[title_clean] - RSS Feed" href="external.php?type=RSS2&forumids=$foruminfo[forumid]&lastpost=1"
That adds the last post sort directly to the RSS icon of each forum.
To add it to the icon placed in each forum by this particular hack, go to the FORUMDISPLAY template, find:
<td class="tcat"><a href="external.php?type=rss2&forumids=$foruminfo[forumid]">
Change to:
<td class="tcat"><a href="external.php?type=rss2&forumids=$foruminfo[forumid]&lastpost=1">
That will add the last post sort to the icon added by this hack.