Originally Posted by MrZeropage
if another player has same score but better time, does it update the name ?
I am somehow clueless, as this should work fine:
$DB->query("SELECT champ_score AS score, champ_time AS time, champ_name AS name, champ_mid AS mid, champ_gtitle FROM ibf_games_champs WHERE champ_gid=".$gid);
if( $DB->get_num_rows() )
$champ = $DB->fetch_row();
if( ($player_score<>0) && (($player_score > $champ['score'] && $ginfo['highscore_type'] == "high") || ($player_score < $champ['score'] && $ginfo['highscore_type'] == "low") || ($player_score == $champ['score'] && (($timespent < $champ['time']) || ($champ['time']==0)))) )
Yes if the "another player" doesn't have that score yet.
Basically every time you get the same score as your own high score (but you have better time), the score won't be saved, as it only says: "Your score won't be stored in Database because the Arcade only saves users top score per Game."