vBulletin Project Tools 1.0.2 Released
vBulletin Project Tools 1.0.2 is a maintenance release to our first vBulletin add-on. It contains a number of bug fixes since the release of 1.0.1.
It also officially adds compatibility with vBulletin 3.7.
Some of the bugs fixed include:
- 22924 - User CP hook overwrites others' hooks
- 23142 - Permissions applied for groups whose PT access is globally disabled
- 23231 - Attachment count not updated properly when PT attachments are stored in the file system
- 23448 - Database error when searching and grouping by assigned user
- 23233 - Some filter clauses lost when sorting switched
- 22944 - Daily subscriptions scheduled task missing
See a full list of bugs fixed between Project Tools 1.0.1 and 1.0.2
Upgrading/Installing Project Tools
Upgrades and new installations of the Project Tools follow the same process: upload the files and import the XML. After this, you will see a message that your upgrade or install was successful. For full instructions on how to upgrade or install, please see
this manual entry.
About Project Tools
Project Tools is a versatile add-on product that enhances vBulletin with project management functionality, empowering your community members to create projects, contribute to tasks, submit issues and view progress of projects. Seamless integration with vBulletin ensures maximum usability, and an administration suite within the vBulletin control panel allows full customization of projects, issues, tasks and user permissions.
Project Tools is ideal for any community that shares a common goal - from developing software, keeping track of servers, writing a play, exhibiting at a trade show or building a car!
Note that to install Project Tools, you must be running vBulletin 3.6.6 or newer!
Pricing and Ordering
Project Tools is priced at
$50, which includes one year of software updates. The renewal fee for an additional year of updates is
$20. Existing customers with active vBulletin licenses can purchase Project Tools immediately via the
members' area.
vBulletin 3.6.6 or newer is required to install Project Tools.