Originally Posted by Namaless
I have added and the sistem not have problem. Without is very horrible, and if you use "fetch_musername function" get from cache and not use more system power.
This is what I found, let me know if you have a better idea:
I changed:
PHP Code:
$cache[$thank['postid']][$thank['userid']]['username'] = $thank['username'];
PHP Code:
$cache[$thank['postid']][$thank['userid']]['username'] = fetch_musername(fetch_userinfo($thank['userid']));
In order for musername to work, you need to send the whole userinfo.
I ran this on a page that had well over a thousand thanks. I ended up runing over 1400 quesries and it taking 8 seconds to load!
Let me know if you have another way. This is NOT good.