Originally Posted by sportsoutlaw
Is anybody that is using vbookie with 3.6.x or 3.7 beta having an issue with the forum basically stalling at times, as in will take 2-3 minutes to load a page? I have this happening to me on one forum which happens to use vbookie.
ya, I "HAD" that issue, but ever since I decided to get rid of the "settled" option from the Dropdown on the Main vBookie page, it has gone away... for some reason (I have not yet troubleshot)... it creates a stuck process on the mysql server ... next time it happens to you, just check out your processes via phpmyadmin and you will see that their is a vbookie process that is eating up 100% of the memory (might be stuck in an infinate loop).. anyway, if you kill that proccess, your site will then speed right back up

Then take time to get rid of the settled option in the dropdown box (just edit the vbookie_main template)