Your advice has proved invaluable
m002.p. I changed the Hook Location to "parse_templates" and made the additions to the Photoplog global variables. Not only does the display work perfectly, but the Stats and History are once again working in the main Shoutcast display!
Previous advice to change the hook location to global start had caused the stats & history to stop displaying, and despite requesting advice in the original Shoutcast Mod thread, I was left believing this was a trade-off for having the display on other pages as well as forumhome.
I'm extremely grateful, not only for your own modification, but for the advice you gave which has led to considerable improvement in our Shoutcast displays. Thank you.
swissknife: I'm sorry I can't be more specific, but the path to your forumhome is substantially different to the path to other pages on your site. I suspect this is where your problem lies.
The original Shoutcast display mod needs to be in the root directory of for it to work on those pages.
Currently it appears to reside in the root directory of so it may just be a case of uploading it again to the relevant directory.
I hope that helps.